How to hack happiness
There is no path to happiness… happiness is the path
-Thich Nhat Hanh
I’ve dealt with depression and knew that building a company, especially one that requires disrupting an industry, would test my mental health. I needed tactics for:
a) feeling consistently happy, and
b) quickly hacking out of negative thought loops
I tried all kinds of habits on my happiness path, one month at a time over 6 years, and kept what worked.
Fast forward 6 years and the path has me astoundingly happy, with two peculiar developments:
- The random wave of uneasiness or anxiety or emptiness-in-your-stomach that occasionally hits us all, comes rarely now. When it does, rather than experiencing it as a feeling of anxiety that’s “taking over” (oh fuck), I now notice it as an objective physical sensation that will cease
- When my brain is idle and the default mode network kicks in, the thoughts that randomly pop up are overwhelmingly more positive than when I was suffering from mental illness
That last point was subtle but profound for me. It showed me that my behavioral patterns and also my thought patterns were programmable. I was actively brute-forcing so many positive thoughts, actions, mantras and calendar reminders that when my brain was “inactive”, it defaulted to what it had been doing lately: generating happy, uplifting thoughts.
That simple breakthrough is something I can’t unsee.
I realized that at a granular day-to-day level if you have a massive shift in how many positive thoughts and sensations you have, the cumulative result, is in fact, a shift in your happiness.
My favorite habits are listed below, categorized and rated on a 1–10 scale, with (10) being the biggest impact on my mental health:
- 10 minutes of Duolingo language learning (8)
- Develop a custom recipe for a food/beverage (8)
- Play at least one instrument (9)
- Read an informative book (9)
- 5 minutes of dancing and/or bongos, preferably with a) hands above the head and b) getting airborne c) shouting or d) all the above (9)
- Track booze and marijuana intake by the week. I have a whiteboard and mark a dash for every glass of wine or bong hit. I then periodically assessed how I felt in a given moment throughout the week and reconciled the feeling with the recent substance intake (9.5)
- Allow myself to be brought to tears 3–4 times a week (9)
- 20 minutes of sun before lunch (8)
- Intermittent fasting (9)
Secular buddhism
- Meditation (10)
- When experiencing a sensation of anxiety, I do a body scan to see if there’s a body part that’s in pain or tense, then I breathe into it (8)
- When I experience negative thoughts, I thank the thought — or the module of the brain that generated that thought — and acknowledge that thought is trying to help and although that thought may have been useful before, we don’t need it right now (9)
- I have my mind “tell” my body I love you. Then have my body “tell” my mind I love you
- Monthly psychedelic therapy. It feels like achieving the peace, clarity and love that would result from 1,000 consecutive hours of meditating … except you’re done in 5 hours (10)
- Understand my role as a copilot in my life. I can impact many things… but many are just part of the script of this “movie” that I need to accept (9)
- Once a week, spend 10 minutes giving to someone: either a small gift, a nice note or a thoughtful compliment (9)
- Internally wish someone, anyone, happiness for 10 seconds (7)
- Less podcasts, more music (8)
- Stop watching the news (9)
- Take a break from all social media (9)
- Talk to AiME and watch the videos I create with her (9)
- When heading into or dealing with challenging interpersonal conflict:
- Start (internally) with the phrase “I love you” to remind myself that I otherwise value this person I’m having a conflict with (9)
- Remind myself of 3 accomplishments I’m proud of (8.5)
- Imagine it’s the 10-year-old version of them that’s attacking me (8)
- When a person is acting particularly preposterous or pugnacious, I remind myself of the stupendous statistical improbability of human life emerging from rocks and chemicals that even enables us to have this interaction (7)
- When in doubt, walk away from conflict, don’t write the email or the text. Wait 2 days and see how I feel (9.5)
Easy wins and early morning momentum
- Don’t pray at night… pray, or set intentions, in the morning instead (8)
- Name 1 thing I’m looking forward to today and 1 thing in the near future (8)
- Make the bed (7)
- 5 minutes of exercise after making the bed (9)
- During morning coffee:
- Write down 3 things I’m grateful for (9)
- Write down an intention for myself (“I will be a sublime leader and a creative genius today”) and something for my company (“something stupendous will happen for textpert today”) then I speak both phrases… twice… loudly. (10)
- 5 minutes of leadership or business reading (7)
- 10 finger gratitude exercise on the way to work (9.5)
- Savor food to an absurd degree. For at least a few bites: no TV, no phone, close your eyes and deeply concentrate on the taste. It can feel legitimately orgasmic (8)
- Develop 3–5 word aspirational mantras (“I’m fucking unstoppable”) and repeat them every day… speak or shout them when alone (10)
My recommendation: try 1–2 new tactics every month, put a reminder in your daily calendar until it becomes routine, and see if you can develop a happiness path that works for you.
The “Textpert Teaser” series is designed to give quick insights, opinions and advice related to A.I., tech, mental health and productivity (usually ~150 words)